We’d love for your child to join us at our annual MEGA Sports Camp event on FRIDAY, JUNE 23, and SATURDAY, JUNE 24 from 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM.
All K – 5th gr. kids who attend will choose one of these sports to focus on Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, or Dance
All K – 5th gr. kids who attend will choose one of these sports to focus on Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, or Dance
But that’s not all. Kids will also enjoy upbeat rallies filled with energetic music, fun sports stories, and Bible stories that will help them discover character traits to help them excel in sports and life.
All this sports fun takes place at: The River Ukiah, 295 Brush St. Ukiah
Check-In Opens at 7:45 AM on both days. After a fun-filled day, you’ll be able to pick up your child at 2:00 PM on both days.
Ready to sign up? Just complete the
Registration Form at www.theriverukiah.com/mega or
call 707-472-9191 for more information
Registration Form at www.theriverukiah.com/mega or
call 707-472-9191 for more information