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SPACE Presents An Evening of Journalistic Theater


SPACE (Near & Arnold’s School of Performing Arts & Cultural Education) presents Dan Hoyle with an evening of journalistic theater. Dan will be presenting a selection of monologues and a Q&A about the process.  The stories are based on conversations and interviews from the South Bronx housing projects courtyards, Refugee Safe Houses on the Northern Border with Canada, and travels along the Southwestern Border and into Mexico. The lecture/demonstration includes eleven monologues of people who live on or across borders both geographic and cultural, an intimate, raw, poignant, funny look at the borders we all negotiate in our everyday lives.

The event is at SPACE Theater on Monday, February 26 at 7pm. Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for youth, and available at the SPACE Box Office and www.spaceperformingarts.org. For more information, call 462-9370 or visit www.spaceperformingarts.org.

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