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It’s time for Mendocino County’s Seafood & Sips festival which will feature the 2nd Annual Sparkling Wine Celebration in Hopland, January 27 from 1-4 PM. This exclusive winter showcase will shine a warm light on 15+ different local estates and their incredible sparkling wines (along with a few delicious still offerings) from the famed Anderson Valley and beyond. Have a wine country experience in the fabulous wine cave at Saracina Vineyards for the afternoon! Hog Island Oyster Co. will be on hand, shucking fresh, sweet oysters, and Left Coast Seafood will be serving their delectable crab cakes.  This event is part of a delectable Mendocino County festival:  Seafood & Sips Mendocino. More information and tickets available at www.destinationhopland.com | www.visitmendocino.com

wine cave with oysters

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