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A Middle Grade Book Club with Registered Therapy Dogs
Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 3 p.m

The Ukiah Branch Library invites children ages nine to 12 to join us for a book club on the last Wednesday of each month beginning June 26, 2024, at 3 p.m. in the Children’s Room. We will be discussing our inaugural book, the graphic novel “New Kid” by Jerry Craft while we enjoy a snack, play with fidget toys, and receive comfort from one of the registered therapy dogs that visit the Children’s Room every Wednesday afternoon.

Please feel free to call the library at 707-463-4490 or visit the website at www.mendolibrary.org to request a copy of our first book ahead of time. Books for subsequent monthly meetings will be discussed at each event, and flyers with upcoming book titles will be available in the library and posted to library social media accounts.

This is a free event sponsored by Ukiah Valley Friends of the Library. For more information, please contact the Children’s Librarian at 707-234-2865.

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