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Potter Valley’s Holly Near Comes Home!

A SPACE Scholarship Fundraiser with special guests Tammy Hall and Jan Martinelli

SPACE (Near & Arnold’s School of Performing Arts & Cultural Education) is thrilled to present Holly Near with Tammy Hall and Jan Martinelli on Saturday, May 11, in a fundraiser for SPACE’s Spring Scholarship Program. Beverages, desserts and wine, generously provided by BARRA of Mendocino and Frey Vineyards, will be available for purchase. Tickets are on sale at Mendocino Book Company, SPACE Office and online at spaceperformingarts.org. Adults: $30, Youth 18 & under, $15. For information: call 707-462-9370.


After 50 years of bold work, Holly Near is still one of the most consistent and well-informed voices for change. Her work is loving, challenging, funny, thought -provoking, and remains rooted in the global community. As an outspoken singer and ambassador for peace, Holly brings a unique integration of world consciousness and self-evaluation, always growing and sharing experience humbly and boldly. Holly is a long-time supporter of SPACE having done countless benefits for one of her favorite youth organizations!

SPACE’s Spring Scholarship Fundraiser is generously underwritten by Sandy Metzler & Mark Rawitsch, Mary Ann Villwock & David Carter, Cupples & Sons Construction and Reid & Deborah Edelman.

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