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Monthly Poet Features & Open Mic
Saturday, September 21 at 3 PM

Join Ukiah Branch Library staff as we host poetry events in-person on the third Saturdays of each month at 3 p.m. This free event is open to both teens and adults. All are invited to share poems in any form or style or just listen to others. On September 21, we welcome Ukiah Poet Laureate Emerita, Melissa Eleftherion.

Melissa Eleftherion (she/they) is a writer, a librarian, and a visual artist. Born and raised in Brooklyn, she holds degrees from Brooklyn College, Mills College, and San Jose State University. They are the author of the full-length poetry collections “field guide to autobiography” (The Operating System, 2018), “gutter rainbows” (Querencia Press, 2024), and twelve chapbooks including “abject sutures” (above/ground press, 2024).

Her work has been widely published and featured in venues like Quarter after Eight, Sixth Finch, Entropy, & Barren Magazine. Melissa now lives in Northern California where she manages the Ukiah Branch Library, curates the LOBA Reading Series, and serves as Poet Laureate Emerita of the City of Ukiah. Recent work is available at www.apoetlibrarian.wordpress.com.

Please contact the Ukiah Branch Library at 707-463-4490 or [email protected] for more information.

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